Student-athlete to Accountant

I’ve had two summer internships during my college career at Ashland University. Last summer I was an audit intern with a regional firm in Columbus, and this summer I am a tax intern at Schneider Downs.

I am a division II collegiate golfer at Ashland University. Since starting my professional career, the skills I have learned from golf have been an asset to my resume. I can help my Schneider Downs scramble team during golf outings and leverage the soft skills I have developed through the many challenges I’ve faced in my golf career. These skills have transferred well to the professional world and helped me get the most out of my internships. 

Networking is one of the most important opportunities students have in an internship—working with professionals of all levels is great for our learning experience and making life-long connections. Being a student-athlete is a great conversation starter, as many businesses use golf as a social and networking activity. I had the privilege of being invited to a golf outing with two shareholders and a manager who were representing Schneider Downs and seeking out potential clients. As a summer intern, I was very thankful for the experience where I could network in a professional environment and have a fun day outside of the office!

The life of a student-athlete can be very stressful during the school year and athletic seasons. We have practice and workouts most days, class, homework and studying to keep up with.  While it can be draining at times, I have learned to manage my time very well and maintain a strong work ethic in all my activities. As I enter the workforce, I know this will be a valuable skill to have, especially when I work my first busy season as an accountant. I have also learned to collaborate and navigate conflicts with my team in college, which will assist me as I work with many different people at my job. Overall, the skills developed as a student-athlete have made me a more well-rounded employee. 

Finally, the competition of college sports has taught me to deal with failure and discomfort. An essential part of the start of my career has been stepping out of my comfort zone and not being afraid to fail. Being uncomfortable allows me to grow, and I tell myself that every time I start a new tax return that looks daunting or I’m going to happy hour where I don’t know many people. Every intimidating situation is an opportunity to grow! 

As college students prepare for internships and entering the workforce, it’s important to reflect on the skills we learn from extracurricular activities that make us stronger contributors to our employers!

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Student-athlete to Accountant
Impacting Through Interning
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